New Message from Cristi Barbosu

(Capture from the sermon – Dec. 4, 2016) Dear Ani and Mike   Here is an update on my condition. I just finished the first cycle of my treatment. Praise God and thank you for your prayers – I did not have any side effects. I could do it in Timisoara (45 min away) onContinuă lectura „New Message from Cristi Barbosu”

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Lately a lot of people, some more forcefully, others more reticently, are searching for some explanation of either why they are going to vote for Donald Trump for President, or why they will not vote for Trump. Sure most of us are dismayed by the fact that the guy we favored was not selected asContinuă lectura „WHY I DECIDED TO VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP”

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Norway acts like a ‘mafia’, breaks apart families

Norway’s child welfare service, the Barnevernet, has not only intervened to restrict families’ parental rights, but also continues to forcibly take children away from their families with ‘little or no reason,’ often based on unfounded claims, according to a human rights lawyer „Mother slices bread too thin. Too much soap is used for cleaning inContinuă lectura „Norway acts like a ‘mafia’, breaks apart families”

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Adevarata Iertare

Considerăm că se impune republicarea acestui articol, datorită faptului că în ultimele zile am asistat la reacții care dovedesc faptul că lecția iertării nu a fost înțeleasă de toți. Eu cred că acesta este unul din cele mai practice mesaje pe subiectul iertării. Mike Olari Dacă simți că rugăciunile tale parca nu mai sunt ascultate,Continuă lectura „Adevarata Iertare”

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You Are a Glory Thief When……..

by Francois Giurgiu Hebrews 3:3-6 For Jesus has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses—as much more glory as the builder of a house has more honor than the house itself. 4 (For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.) 5 Now Moses was faithful in allContinuă lectura „You Are a Glory Thief When……..”

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Rarely if ever do we find ourselves in a situation where Jesus remains our focus even though our entourage includes some important persons, even unreachable superstars whom you would might see only on TV, or read about in the newspapers, but cannot reach them in any other way. Well, I am going to tell youContinuă lectura „AUTHENTIC HUMILITY”

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